You probably have too much text on your slides. Wordy bulleted lists, long captions screenshotted from papers, etc...don't put those in your slides. Audience members can probably only read 15-20 words per slide while listening to you talking.
Make sure to have all sections in the template slideshow on the logistics page.
When referring to other papers, always include the authors and year (shorthand, like Einstein et. al., 1908), or a footnote on the slide with the slide title, authors, conference, and year.
When describing a work's key insights, separate your description into the clever idea of the work (a short phrase or sentence), and the technical insight (how the clever idea is implemented, such as at a high-level algorithm level).
Make sure all images are not blurry (including screenshots).
Conclude your presentation with a Key Takeaways slide, instead of a long boring summary. What are the 2-3 main points you want the audience to remember?