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Keywords include:

architectures, analysis, aspects, categories, commuting diagrams, computational design, derivatives, Dense Linear Algebra (DLA),
Design by Transformation (DxT), design rules, Design Rule Checking (DRC), evolution, feature interactions, feature models, geodesic,
higher-order transformations, kubes, MDA, MDD, MDE, mixin layers, optimization, optional feature problem, origami, refactoring,
streaming, safe composition, semantics, testing, UML, verification, wizards, P3 (P1/P2/P3/DiSTiL data structure generator).

See all recommended design rule checking publications

Total Publications: 3

T. Thuem, D. Batory, and C. Kaestner. Reasoning about Edits to Feature Models. International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE), May 2009.

Features express the variabilities and commonalities among programs in a software product line (SPL). A feature model defines the valid combinations of features, where each combination corresponds to a program in an SPL. SPLs and their feature models evolve over time. We classify the evolution of a feature model via modifications as refactorings, specializations, generalizations, or arbitrary edits. We present an algorithm to reason about feature model edits to help designers to determine how the program membership of an SPL has changed. Our algorithm takes two feature models as input (before and after edit versions), where the set of features in both models are not necessarily the same, and it determines the change classification. Our algorithm efficiently classifies edits to models that have thousands of features.

thuem, feature models, recommended design rule checking, kaestner

D. Batory. "Feature Models, Grammars, and Propositional Formulas", Software Product Line Conference (SPLC) September 2005.
This paper has won the SPLC Test of Time Award 2017.

Feature models are used to specify members of a product-line. Despite years of progress, contemporary tools provide limited support for feature constraints and offer little or no support for debugging feature models. We integrate prior results to connect feature models, grammars, and propositional formulas. This connection allows arbitrary propositional constraints to be defined among features and enables off-the-shelf satisfiability solvers to debug feature models. We also show how our ideas can generalize recent results on the staged configuration of feature models

award, constraints, feature models, recommended design rule checking

D. Batory and B. J. Geraci. Composition Validation and Subjectivity in GenVoca Generators, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (IEEE TSE) (special issue on Software Reuse), February 1997, 67-82. This is a journal version of papers Validating Component Compositions in Software System Generators. and Subjectivity and GenVoca Generators..

GenVoca generators synthesize software systems by composing components from reuse libraries. GenVoca components are designed to export and import standardized interfaces, and thus be plug-compatible, interchangeable, and interoperable with other components. In this paper, we examine two different but important issues in software system synthesis. First, not all syntactically correct compositions of components are semantically correct. We present simple, efficient, and domain-independent algorithms for validating compositions of GenVoca components. Second, components that export and import immutable interfaces are too restrictive for software system synthesis. We show that the interfaces and bodies of GenVoca components are subjective, i.e., they mutate and enlarge upon instantiation. This mutability enables software systems with customized interfaces to be composed from components with "standardized" interfaces

constraints, safe composition, award, design rules, DRC, recommended design rule checking