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Welcome to the homepage for CS 305J, Introduction to Computing Spring 2010 version. All of the important administrative information you need for the class is contained via one of the links to the left. Announcements: April 21: Assignment 11 (The last one! And there was much rejoicing ...) has been posted. I have decided to make this an individual assignment where you are implementing a couple of classes for a simulation. (Instead of image manipulation.) You may not use any slip days on assignment 11. If it is late, it is a 0. April 12: Assignment 10 has been posted. This is an individual assignment. It is due by 11 pm on Thursday, April 22. March 31: Assignment 9 has been posted. This is a pair assignment worth 30 points. It is due by 11 pm on Tuesday, April 13. March 29: Here are some of the good drawings from Assignment 5. March 26: Assignment 8 has been posted. This is a pair assignment worth 30 points. It is due by 11 pm on Friday, April 2. March 11: Assignment 7 has been posted. This is a pair assignment worth 20 points. It is due by 11 pm on Thursday, March 25. March 5: Assignment 6 has been posted. This is a pair assignment worth 20 points. It is due by 11 pm on Thursday, March 11. February 24: Assignment 5 has been posted. This is an individual assignment worth 20 points. It is due by 11 pm on Thursday, March 4. February 16: Assignment 4 has been posted. This is an individual assignment worth 20 points. It is due by 11 pm on Friday, February 26. The assignment requires the use of Strings and user input via Scanner which we will cover tomorrow in class. February 4: Assignment 3 has been posted. This is an individual assignment worth 20 points. It is due by 11 pm on Tuesday, February 16. The assignment requires the use of nested for loops and class constants which will be covering in the next couple of lectures. January 27: Assignment 2 has been posted. This is an individual assignment worth 10 points and due by 11 pm on Thursday, February 4th. January 15: Welcome to CS305j! This class is a first course in computer programming for students wishing to major in computer science. The course is taught assuming you have never programmed a computer. The schedule, syllabus, and first assignment have been posted. |