Computer Science 305J Software Page CS 305J · The University of Texas at Austin |
This page contains links to pages with information about the various software tools you will be using in this course.
Class Listserv and email: One of the primary communications tools outside of class is the class listserv. A listserv is an electronic mailing list. You sign up to the listserv and will then be able to post messages to the listserv. All subscribers to the listserv get all messages posted.
Turnin Program: The turnin program allows files to be transferred to and from your account on the microlab server via an internet connection. It is like a simplified FTP (file transfer protocol - A way of transferring files over the Internet from one computer to another.) program. It is a Web based program so you can run it from anywhere, in the lab or from the comfort of your dorm room. The turnin program can be accessed via the following web page: See the turnin page for more details:
JavaTM 2 Platform, Standard Edition Version 6.0 and Documentation: According to Sun's Java homepage the"Java 2 Platform Standard Edition (J2SE) software is the premier platform for rapidly developing and deploying secure, portable applications that run on server and desktop systems spanning most operating systems." If you want to work at home you must download and install Sun's J2SE Development Kit (JDK) which includes both the development tools (compiler, etc.) and the JavaTM 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition, v 6.0. Essentially The Java 2 JDK, along with a text editor of some sort, is the minimum software you need to create and run Java programs. See this page for instructions for download and installation.
BlueJ is an easy to use interactive development environment (IDE). Download and
install BlueJ (after you've installed the JDK!) if you intend to work at home.
Here are instructions for installing
BlueJ on your own computer.
Here are instructions for getting started with programming in BlueJ.
Graphics: You will need to complete the graphics assignments.
Adobe Acrobat Reader: Slides from class will be available in pdf format which can be viewed using the Adobe Acrobat Reader for whatever platform you are using at home. Acrobat reader is available for free via the web. The slides will also be available in PowerPoint format.