Course description
Lecture notes
CS 395T - Design and Analysis of Security Protocols (54302)
Fall 2004
Lecture notes
Course outline. Needham-Schroeder public-key protocol.
Introduction to Murphi.
SSL/TLS case study.
Overview of IP security. Internet Key Exchange (IKE)
protocol and predecessors.
Introduction to process algebra. Modeling security
protocols in process calculi.
Just Fast Keying (JFK) protocol.
Security as observational equivalence.
JFK protocol in applied pi calculus.
Protocols for anonymity.
Probabilistic model checking.
Probabilistic contract signing.
Compositional protocol logic.
Inductive method. Analyzing SET with the inductive method.
Symbolic constraint solving for security protocols.
Formal definitions of security for symmetric ciphers.
Formal model for secure key exchange.
Simulatability-based proofs of protocol security.
Probabilistic polynomial-time process calculus.
Computational soundness of formal models.
Fair exchange and contract signing protocols.
Game-based verification of contract signing protocols.
Universal composability framework (presented by Glen Nuckolls).
Student projects
Student presentations