Course description
Lecture notes
CS 395T - Design and Analysis of Security Protocols (54302)
Fall 2004
Project proposals are due October 11. A proposal should be 2 or
3 pages long and include the following:
Brief description of system or protocol you are planning to analyze,
or the tool extension you are planning to implement;
Description of security properties you intend to investigate;
Tools and analysis techniques you expect to use.
Some project topics are suggested below. Students may propose their
own projects.
Analyze an existing protocol
Build or extend an analysis tool
Build a proof environment for a
composition logic.
Extend the
symbolic constraint solver with support for homomorphic encryption
Implement an online anonymity/traffic analysis monitor for a mix network,
e.g., Mixminion.
Add support for modeling denial of service attacks to an existing tool.
Do a theoretical study
Prove a protocol correct in the
universal composability
framework by defining the ideal functionality and proving equivalence.
Demonstrate computational soundness (e.g., in the
sense) for a cryptographic primitive (e.g., a digital signature scheme).
Design a technique for reasoning about correctness of group key management
protocols based on Diffie-Hellman.