Support Overview
- The TRIPS team gratefully acknowledges the generous support of its sponsors. The TRIPS project
and technology have been supported by over $20M in funding since 2000, over $16M of which has
come from its primary sponsor, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency.
Primary Sponsor
Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA)
- "XTRIPS." Polymorphous Computing Architectures (PCA) extension, 2005-2007. Extension to contract #F33615-03-C-4106.
- "TRIPS: The Teraflop, Reliable, Intelligently Adaptive Processing System." Polymorphous Computing Architectures (PCA) Phase 2, 2003-2005. Contract #F33615-03-C-4106.
- "TRIPS: The Teraflop, Reliable, Intelligently Adaptive Processing System." Polymorphous Computing Architectures (PCA) Phase 1, 2001-2003. Contract #F33615-01-C-1892.
- "PERCS: Improving Performance, Reliability, Programmability, and Security for High-Productivity Systems." High-Productivity Computing Systems (HPCS) Phase 2, 2003-2005. Subcontract through IBM Corporation on contract #NBCH30390004.
- "PERCS: Improving Performance, Reliability, Programmability, and Security for High-Productivity Systems." High-Productivity Computing Systems (HPCS) Phase 1, 2002-2003. Subcontract through IBM Corporation on contract #NBCH30390004.
Other Sponsors
National Science Foundation (NSF)
- "RI: Mastodon: A Large-Memory, High-Throughput Scientific Infrastructure." EIA-0303609 (CISE Research Infrastructure), 2003-2008.
- "The SCOUT Scientific Computing Cluster." EIA-9985991 (Research Instrumentation), 2000-2003.
- "The Long-Term Effects of Technology on Microprocessors." CSA-9985109 (CAREER). 2000-2004.
Intel Corp.
- "Adaptive and Flexible High-Performance Microprocessor Designs." Intel Research Foundation grant, 2002-2004.
- "Architectures and Tools for Technology-Constrained Microprocessor Designs." Intel Research Foundation grant, 2000-2002.
IBM Corp.
- "Equipment Donation for the Mastodon Cluster." IBM Shared University Research Grant, 2003.
- University Partnership Awards, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2005.
- "Equipment donation for the SCOUT cluster." IBM Shared University Research Grant, 2000.
Sun Microsystems
- "TRIPS Industrial Affiliate Grant." 2002-2003.
Peter O'Donnell Foundation
- "Support for TRIPS Senior Industrial Research Fellowship." 2002-2004.
UT-Austin College of Natural Sciences
- "Matching funds for the Mastodon Cluster Project." 2005-2007.
- "Support for TRIPS Senior Industrial Research Fellowship." 2002-2005.
- "Matching funds for the SCOUT Cluster Project." 2000-2001.