Conference on Innovation and Technology in CS Education

ITiCSE Working Group Products
Organized by Index Terms

The page is based on the Index Terms used in the ACM Computing Classification System, as reflected in the Digital Library record for each working group report. The link from each title leads to an entry with details of that report, including a picture of the WG members. Each report is listed for each category or general term given in the Metadata record.

This page is broken into three parts:

For full details on all of the reports from a particular year, visit the page that describes the working group reports by year. There is also a page that lists the working groups by topic.

Categories and Subject Descriptors:

C. Computer Systems Organization
C.2.  Computer-Communication Networks
C.2.5.  Local and Wide-Area Networks

C.2.5. subcategory Internet

C.5.  Computer System Implementation
C.5.3.  Microcomputers

C.5.3. subcategory Portable devices (e.g., laptops, personal digital assistants)

D. Software
D.1. Programming Techniques
D.1.7. Visual Programming

D.2. Software Engineering
D.2.5. Testing and Debugging

D.2.5. subcategory Debugging aids

D.3. Programming Languages
D.3.2. Language Classifications

D.3.2. subcategory Java

H. Information Systems
H.1. Models and Principles
H.1.2. User/Machine Systems

H.1.2. subcategory Human factors

H.3. Information Storage and Retrieval
H.3.4. Systems and Software

H.3.4. subcategory World Wide Web (WWW)

H.3.5. Online Information Services

H.3.5. subcategory Web-based services

H.3.7. Digital Libraries

H.4. Information Systems Applications
H.4.3. Communications Applications

H.4.3. subcategory Computer conferencing, teleconferencing, and videoconferencing

H.4.3. subcategory Electronic mail

H.4.3. subcategory Internet

H.5. Information Interfaces and Presentation
H.5.1. Multimedia Information Systems

H.5.1. subcategory Evaluation/methodology

H.5.2. User Interfaces

H.5.2 subcategory Interaction styles

H.5.3. Group and Organization Interfaces

H.5.3. subcategory Theory and models

H.5.3. subcategory Web-based interaction

I. Computing Methodologies
I.7. Document and Text Processing
I.7.2. Document Preparation

I.7.2. subcategory HTML

J. Computer Applications
J.1. Administrative Data Processing

J.1. subcategory Education

K. Computing Milieux
K.3. Computers and Education
K.3.0. General

K.3.1. Computer Uses in Education

K.3.1. subcategory Collaborative learning

K.3.1. subcategory Computer-assisted instruction (CAI)

K.3.2. Computer and Information Science Education

K.3.2. subcategory Computer science education

K.3.2. subcategory Curriculum

K.3.2. subcategory Information systems education

K.4. Computers and Society
K.4.2. Social Issues

K.4.3. Organizational Impacts

K.6. Management of Computing and Information Systems
K.6.2. Installation Management

K.6.2. subcategory Performance and usage measurement

K.7. The Computing Profession
K.7.1. Occupations

K.7.3. Testing, Certification, and Licensing

K.7.4. Professional Ethics

K.7.m. Miscellaneous

K.7.m. subcategory Ethics [this term was retired in 1998 version of Classification System]

General Terms:






Human Factors


Legal Issues






Reports that are not yet in the ACM Digital Library

(and thus have no categories or general terms assigned)

Page prepared by Vicki L. Almstrum. Department of Computer Sciences at UT Austin
Send suggestions, comments to