Conference on Innovation and Technology in CS Education

Working Group Products Organized by Topic

This page includes the working group reports up to and including ITiCSE 2001 in Canterbury, England. Within each topic, the reports are given in reverse chronological order of the conference where the report was produced. The link from each title leads to an entry with details of that report, including a picture of the WG members.

For full details on all of the reports from a particular year, visit the page that describes the working group reports by year. There is also a page that lists the WG reports based on the index terms in the Metadata records in the ACM Digital Library.

Collaboration (support in teaching and learning)

Distance education

First year courses

Historical perspectives

Instruction delivery methods

Materials / resources for computing courses

Mathematical foundations and formal methods


Research in CS education

Social and ethical issues in computing curricula

Technology in teaching and curriculum

Visualization in computing education

Page prepared by Vicki L. Almstrum. Department of Computer Sciences at UT Austin
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