UT Algorithms and Computational Theory Group
- Scott Aaronson (aaronson"at"cs.utexas.edu): Quantum computing, computational complexity.
- Shuchi Chawla (shuchi"at"cs.utexas.edu): Design and analysis of algorithms, algorithmic game theory and mechanism design, combinatorial and stochastic optimization.
- Anna Gal (panni"at"cs.utexas.edu): Computational complexity, communication complexity, coding theory, algorithms, and combinatorics.
- Nick Hunter-Jones (nickrhj"at"utexas.edu): Quantum information theory, quantum computing, quantum many-body physics.
- Adam Klivans (klivans"at"cs.utexas.edu): Learning Theory, computational complexity, pseudorandomness, limit theorems.
- Dana Moshkovitz (danama"at"cs.utexas.edu): Probabilistically checkable proofs (PCPs), pseudorandomness, coding theory, algorithms.
- Greg Plaxton (plaxton"at"cs.utexas.edu): Algorithm design and analysis, algorithmic game theory.
- Eric Price (ecprice"at"cs.utexas.edu): Algorithms.
- Vijaya Ramachandran (vlr"at"cs.utexas.edu): Algorithm design and analysis, parallel computation, graph algorithms and data structures.
- Kevin Tian (kjtian"at"cs.utexas.edu): Algorithms, continuous optimization, high-dimensional statistics.
- Brent Waters (bwaters"at"cs.utexas.edu): Cryptography.
- David Wu (dwu4"at"cs.utexas.edu): Cryptography, computer security.
- David Zuckerman (diz"at"cs.utexas.edu): Randomness and computation, pseudorandomness, computational complexity, coding theory, distributed computing, cryptography.
Related Faculty
- Chandra Bajaj (bajaj"at"cs.utexas.edu): Computational biology, visualization.
- Constantine Caramanis (constantine"at"utexas.edu): Robust and adaptable optimization, networks and machine learning.
- Inderjit Dhillon (inderjit"at"cs.utexas.edu): Machine learning/data mining and numerical linear algebra.
- Alex Dimakis (dimakis"at"austin.utexas.edu): Information theory, coding theory and machine learning.
- Warren Hunt Jr. (hunt"at"cs.utexas.edu): Formal methods.
- Evdokia Nikolova (nikolova"at"austin.utexas.edu): Algorithms, combinatorial optimization and game theory.
- Bill Press (wpress"at"cs.utexas.edu): Computational biology.
- Sujay Sanghavi (sanghavi"at"mail.utexas.edu: Machine learning, high-dimensional statistics, networks, optimization and number linear algebra.
- David Soloveichik (david.soloveichik"at"utexas.edu): Natural computing, distributed computing and molecular programming.
- Rachel Ward (rward"at"math.utexas.edu): Mathematical signal processing, applied harmonic analysis, compressed sensing, theoretical computer science, and machine learning.
Current Postdocs
- Greg Kehne, hosted by Shuchi Chawla
- Jesse Goodman, hosted by David Zuckerman
- Vasilis Kontonis, hosted by Adam Klivans
Current Graduate Students
- Syamantak Kumar
- Chutong Yang
- Rachit Garg
- George Lu
- Shafik Nassar
- Eli Bradley
- Jeff Champion
- Charlie LeMay
- Justin Oh
- Joshua Cook
- Geoffrey Mon
- Rojin Rezvan
- Dimitris Christou
- Kristin Sheridan
- Trung Dang
- Zhiyi Huang
- Vignesh Manoharan
- Trung Nguyen
- Amanda Priestley
- Deniz Imrek
- Justin Yirka
- Jiawei Li
- Sabee Grewal
- Ronak Ramachandran
- Vishnu Iyer
- Siddhartha Jain
- Shivan Mittal
- Vinayak Kumar
- Michael Jaber
- Gautam Chandrasekaran
- Zhiyang Xun
- Kostas Stavropoulos
- Kulin Shah
- Aditya Parulekar
- Joey Zhou
- Shivam Gupta
- Lin Lin Lee
Recently Graduated Students
- William Hoza, now at UChicago.
- Surbhi Goel, now at UPenn.
- Pravesh Kothari, now at Princeton.
- Eshan Chattopadhyay, now at Cornell.
- Rezaul Alam Chowdhury, now at Stony Brook U.
- Allison Bishop.
- Xin Li, now at Johns Hopkins University.
- Raghu Meka, now at UCLA.
- Seth Pettie, now at U. Michigan.
- Anup Rao, now at U. Washington.
- Sasha Sherstov, now at UCLA.
Student Awards
We are proud of the prestigious awards our students have won at major TCS conferences:
- Gautam Chandrasekaran and Konstantinos Stavropoulos, Best Paper Award at COLT 2024.
- Vinayak Kumar and Geoffrey Mon, Best Student Paper Award at STOC 2024.
- Eshan Chattopadhyay, Best Paper Award at STOC 2016.
- Sasha Sherstov, Best Student Paper Award (Machtey Prize) at FOCS 2009.
- Sasha Sherstov, Best Student Paper Award at Complexity 2008.
- Sasha Sherstov, Best Student Paper Award at Complexity 2007.
- Anup Rao, Best Student Paper Award (Danny Lewin Prize) at STOC 2006.
- Sasha Sherstov, Best Student Paper Award at COLT 2006.
- Vladimir Trifonov, Best Student Paper Award (Danny Lewin Prize) at STOC 2005.
- Seth Pettie, Best Student Paper Award at ICALP 2002.
- Seth Pettie, Best Paper Award at ICALP 2000.
- Pierre Kelsen, Best Student Paper Award at STOC 1992.
Seminar Series
Fall 2023 Theory Seminars will meet on Fridays from 11:00 - 12:00pm in POB 2.402. This schedule will be updated throughout the semester.
Fall 2023 - Theory Seminar Lecture Series
List of Graduate Courses
- CS 358H Intro to Quantum Information Science
- CS 388C Combinatorics & Graph Theory
- CS 388G Algorithms: Techniques & Theory
- CS 388H Cryptography
- CS 388M Communication Complexity
- CS 388P Parallel Algorithms
- CS 388R Randomized Algorithms
- CS 388T Theory of Computation
- CS 395T Coding Theory
- CS 395T Learning Theory
- CS 395T Pseudorandomness
- CS 395T Approximability
- CS 395T Algorithmic Game Theory
- CS 395T Quantum Complexity Theory
- CS 395T Continuous Algorithms
The 'algorithms' Mailing List
The algorithms mailing list is an electronic mailing list on which Theory Seminars are announced. If you are part of the UT community, you can add yourself to this mailing list by sending an e-mail message to help"at"cs.utexas.edu; please describe your UT affiliation along with your request to be added to the algorithms mailing list. You can remove your name from this mailing list at any time by sending a message requesting removal to help"at"cs.utexas.edu.