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Support UT Computer Science

Make a One-Time Gift

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Make a Sustaining Gift

With your monthly contribution of any amount or one-time gift of $200 or more, we will etch your name into the hand rail of the grand staircase.
If you would like to have your name etched into the GDC Stair rail, please include your desired etching below. (If you do not want an etching, simply click CONTINUE to bypass this section.)
Omit punctuation except “&”. Etching location will be determined by order of donation. Only names, class year, “In honor of” or “In memory of” are permitted. Sample: LINE 1: “In honor of” LINE 2: “John Smith BS 1996"
Please enter a donation amount.

UT Computer Science Priorities

Department of Computer Science Excellence Fund

Support the overall well-being of UT Computer Science with a gift used at the discretion of the department chair.

Undergraduate Student Support & Scholarships

Support students by minimizing the financial obstacles faced during their college career.

Honor a Professor

Honor a faculty member and their legacy at UT Computer Science by supporting an graduate fellowship in their name.

Leave a Legacy

If you’d like to learn more about how to create a legacy gift that establishes permanent funds to support UT Computer Science students and programs, our philanthropic advisors are here to guide you and answer your questions.

Learn More