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All university employees must file a request for Travel Authorization (RTA) if they are off campus (i.e. outside the Austin metro area) during the normal workday for 4 hours or more to conduct university business. See Travel Requests for more information.

An estimate of travel costs to be reimbursed is also included on the RTA. Please complete an RTA at least 5 working days in advance of the trip to ensure the form receives approval before departure. No travel reimbursement will be generated without an approved RTA on file.

Faculty - Appropriate arrangements for disposition of the faculty normal duties must be made in advance of the travel. If classes are to be missed, a qualified member of the department’s instructional staff must be identified to and approved by the departmental Chairperson as a substitute instructor. Under normal circumstances, classes should not be rescheduled.

Travel Policy Change: Effective October 7, 2014

Travel Management Services - Effective immediately, faculty, staff and students may use any online travel reservation system for business travel arrangements in addition to the university’s online tool, Concur.

If you decide to use an online reservation tool other than Concur, the purchase invoice submitted to the Office of Accounting for reimbursement should now include the traveler’s statement: Online selection is best value as consistent with institutional priorities.

International reservations made through sources other than Concur or a contract agency will need to be entered into the ISOS database manually by the traveler prior to departure, per the Chancellor’s 2010 directive.

Please note that State of Texas contract airfares are not impacted by this policy change and remain available only via the Concur online tool or through one of the contract travel agencies. Agent assisted reservations should continue to be made through the university's contracted travel agencies, Anthony Travel and Corporate Travel Planners.

Please contact CS Accounting Office is you have any questions or need further information:

Faculty Travel Grants - available through the Graduate School. Applications must be submitted 2 weeks in advance of departure. Eligibility: All tenured and tenure-track faculty members (Professor, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor), and emeritus faculty are guaranteed up to $1,400 per academic year for travel expenses to present original papers at scholarly and professional meetings.

Students - graduate students and undergraduate student organizations must file a RTA to be reimbursed for travel expenses. Approval by the faculty or staff sponsor is required prior to completing an RTA. See student travel policy and student organization travel policy for more information.