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Disc Usage

Account Quotas

Each account has a certain amount of space allocated to it for file storage. This storage includes such things as your mailbox and mail folders, application data, configuration files ("dotfiles"), browser cache, and public web space. Quota limits are set by account type as follows:

  • tmpclass: 2 Gb
  • under: 15 Gb
  • grad: 20 Gb
  • guest: 10 Gb

These quotas cannot be increased. If you need additional space for a project, you should consult with your instructor or advisor, who may own private space you can use. If you have an assigned workstation, you may also request use of local storage on that machine by contacting Such partitions are never backed up.

Checking Disk Usage

You can check your own disk usage by executing this command in your home directory:

du -ahd1 ~/ | sort -h

You can check your disk usage against your quota with the following command:


Common (but often overlooked) locations that may be taking up space include:

  • .cache (These files are usually safe to delete, as they will be recreated the next time the program runs)
  • .local (These files may be safe to delete.  Contains things like python virtualenvs, pip packages, rust packages, etc.)
  • .Trash (These files should be safe to delete)
  • .vscode-server (As long as your aren't currently running vscode, this entire directory can be deleted, as vscode will just recreate it)