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Web Use

Please remember that the use of UTCS departmental computer equipment to publish your electronic documents on the World Wide Web is subject to the same guidelines and policies as the use of your normal user account. Such guidelines may include, but may not necessarily be limited to, your UNIX user agreement, online departmental policy statements and updates, vendor licenses and contracts governing proprietary software use and distribution, the state computer crimes statute, obscenity statutes and case law, and copyright laws governing the reproduction and distribution of protected text, images, audio material, software, and other intellectual property.

Use of departmental electronic services such as WWW or FTP to provide access to files, information, or services which violates these guidelines, compromises the security of the departmental computer systems or networks, or provides access to those systems or networks beyond that intended by the systems management, is prohibited.

Abuse of these services may result in: the loss of your privilege to publish on the Web; and/or the loss of your account; and/or other penalties deemed appropriate by the department, or prescribed by policy or statute.