You should not take a course pass/fail if you need that class to fulfill a degree requirement. Courses taken pass/fail count towards your total number of residence hours and elective hours, but nothing else. They do not count towards your GPA (unless an F is earned) and do not fulfill prerequisite requirements. This means you should NOT take any CS courses as pass/fail unless you are using them for only elective requirements. Only electives should be taken pass/fail, unless you plan on repeating the course later for a letter grade. College of Natural Sciences students may only count 16 pass/fail hours toward their degree (All BA Degree and B S/BSA degrees prior to 14 -16 catalog) , and may only take two courses pass/fail per semester. You may not take a class pass/fail unless you have 30 hours completed. You may select this option when you register for the course, or you may go by the CS Advising Center in GDC 2.702 or the CNS Dean's Office in WCH 1.106 by the Q-drop deadline to change your grading to pass/fail.
For the 2014-16 catalog, College of Natural Sciences BA students may only count 16 pass/fail hours toward their degree, and may only take two courses pass/fail per semester. BSA and BS students may only count 6 pass/fail hours toward their degree, and may only take two courses pass/fail per semester.
If you earn a 60 or better in a pass/fail class, you will receive a CR on your transcript. This will not factor into your GPA. If you earn less than a 60, you will receive an F on your transcript and this will count as a 0.0 factored into your GPA.