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Visions of Computer Sciences Research Lectures

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Posted by Staci R Norman on Friday, May 7, 2004

Friday, May 7, 2004

Lectures: 4:00 - 5:00 p.m. Avaya Auditorium, ACES 2.302
Reception: 5:00 - 6:00 p.m. Faculty Lounge, ACES 6.102

The Department of Computer Sciences presents the Visions of Computer Sciences Research Lectures featuring Dr. Jim Browne and Dr. Simon Lam. The Visions Lectures honor both professors for recent awards.

Dr. Jim Browne won the University Cooperative Society's Career Research Excellence Award, given to honorees who have maintained an excellent program over many years.

Dr. Simon Lam won the IEEE Computer Society's 2004 W. Wallace McDowell Award with the citation "For outstanding fundamental contributions in network protocols and security services".

Please join us for the lectures and reception to congratulate Dr. Browne and Dr. Lam.

Dr. Browne will speak on Quality and Productivity in Software Development

Abstract: Developer productivity has increased an order of magnitude -- perhaps more for specific domains such as GUI development -- over the more than forty five years I have been involved in software development but a similar increase in quality is difficult to justify. The vision I project is the possibility of current research concepts to give an order of magnitude increase in both quality of software product and developer productivity, at least for well-specified domains. The concepts are component-oriented development, model-based development and design patterns. The extensions which enable integration of quality and productivity is property driven design based on component interfaces which enable both validation/verification and automated composition. Model-based and component-based development can enhance the effectiveness of verification and validation and validation methods including static analysis, testing and model checking. This lecture will sketch the relevant information on the concepts, how model-based and component-based development can enable more effective verification and validation and how this integration can be brought about.

Visit Dr. Browne's web site at

Dr. Lam will speak on Back to the Future Part 4: The Internet

Abstract: In the past, the simplicity of Internet's IP protocol was its greatest strength in vanquishing competitors and becoming the de facto standard for inter-networking. The IP layer is now too economically important to modify to support new functionalities. As a result, IP is like a straitjacket that confines Internet's development to specific directions. As Internet's foundation, IP has some deficiencies. In this talk, we first survey the landscape of ideas in network protocol design. We then travel back in time to resurrect an old idea that may become the savior of the future Internet.

Visit Dr. Lam's web site at

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