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Institutional Funds Committed to Complete the Bill & Melinda Gates Computer Science Complex

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Posted by Staci R Norman on Tuesday, May 3, 2011
President Powers commits institutional funds to complete the Gates Complex.

The Department of Computer Science at the University of Texas at Austin (UTCS) is excited to announce that President Powers has committed institutional funds to complete the Bill & Melinda Gates Computer Science Complex. Pending approval by the Board of Regents, this funding will enable the department to finish-out all the floors of both buildings and to start moving in by March 2013. UT’s faculty and students will work and learn in modern, interactive spaces in the Gates Complex including “research clusters,” areas on each floor designed to encourage discussion and collaboration.

Located on the footprint of Taylor Hall in the heart of campus, the complex will almost double the department’s capacity for students and faculty. UTCS, the nation’s largest and most diverse top-10 computer science program, currently produces about 20% of the computer science graduates in Texas. The department graduates close to 200 computer scientists annually, more than any other top-10 computer science department in the U.S.

The U.S. Department of Commerce Bureau of Labor Statistics forecasts that computer science is the fastest-growing job market for science and engineering degree holders. The demand for its graduates across all sectors of the economy significantly outstrips supply.

Consequently, competition for the leading visionaries in computer science is fierce. Modern research and instructional space gives the department a distinct advantage in recruiting and retaining top talent.

By boosting department capacity, the Gates Complex will help the department boost the Texas economy and advance computing research and education to new heights.