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Professor Inderjit Dhillon Receives SIAM Outstanding Paper Prize

Posted by Staci R Norman on Thursday, May 26, 2011
Professor Inderjit Dhillon Receives SIAM Outstanding Paper Prize

Professor Inderjit Dhillon, together with Justin Brickell, Suvrit Sra and Joel Tropp have been selected to recive the award of the 2011 Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM) Oustanding Paper Prize for their paper entitled, "The Metric Nearness Problem," which appeared in the SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications (SIMAX). Their paper is one of the three winning papers.

The prizes are given for outstanding papers published in SIAM journals during the three years prior to the year of the award. The prize consists of $500 for each recipient and $500 per paper for travel to attend the meeting and receive the award. The prizes will be awarded at the ICIAM 2011 to be held in Vancouver.

The paper was written during the time that Justin Brickel (CS), Suvrit Sra (CS), and Joel Tropp (CAM) were UT students. Justin is now at Google, Suvrit is a research scientist at the Max-Planck Institute in Germany, and Joel Tropp is an Assistant Professor in the Applied Math Department at Caltech.

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