AUSTIN, Texas – The University of Texas at Austin’s Game and Mobile Media Applications (GAMMA) Program and the Electronic Game Developers Society (EGaDS), a student-run organization, hosted its annual UT Game Jam on September 26-27th. This year, more than 80 students came together in The Bill & Melinda Gates Computer Science Complex and Dell Computer Science Hall (GDC) to create entirely new games in only 24 hours from the randomly selected theme of “binary.”
The judging panel, comprised of game, mobile, and interactive media development professionals from Bee Cave Games, Chaotic Moon, Multimedia Games, and Wargaming, announced the winners for each of the four categories during the award ceremony held in the GDC.
Best in Show went to Team Super Art, which comprised of Harris Munir, a Computer Science major, and Newman Liu, an Economics and Psychology major, for their game Zero and One. The three other winning teams were: Team Not Last Place v2.0 for Best Audio, Team Kancerous Kats for Best Gameplay, and Team Macaroni Boogalo for Best Visuals.
The winning game, Zero and One, was a cooperative game where two players had to work together to avoid being caught by spotlights and guards by switching between two lighting perspectives and sniping guards. “The fact that the team ingeniously integrated the binary theme in both their gameplay and level design made them the obvious frontrunners in the competition,” said Paul Toprac, Associate Director and Senior Lecturer of the GAMMA Program.
“We had 16 teams—some consisting of students who had never participated in a game jam or even developed a game before—come out this weekend to create games,” said EGaDS President Wilson Villegas, “making this our largest and most successful UT Game Jam to date!”
The next UT Game Jam will be held in the Fall semester of 2015.
For more information, contact: Cameron M. Weed, GAMMA Program, 512 475 6602.