Student’s from UT Austin’s Computer Science Department (UTCS) visited the SparkCognition offices this month to receive an award in the form of a scholarship of $10,000 for their work in developing a new mobile application using IBM Watson. Dr. Bruce Porter, Chair of the UT Computer Science Department, challenged his students this semester to develop an application which utilized IBM Watson's Natural Language Processing capabilities.
After a semester-long project, UTCS students presented their work to a panel of industry leaders, where the wining team was named. The winning application allowed users to quickly diagnose common automotive problems using a native Android application. Presenting their projects to professionals in industry was a great opportunity for the students to get feedback and get an idea of how viable their projects would be in the real world. The check was presented by SparkCognition CEO and UT Computer Science alumnus Amir Husain.
Husain says, "SparkCognition is proud of all of the students who competed, and honored to support such an impressive and gracious group of young computer scientists!”