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UT Computer Science Researchers Win TACAS Best Paper Award

Posted by Staci R Norman on Friday, April 28, 2017

UT Computer Science postdoctoral researcher Valentin Wustholz, Ph.D. graduate Oswaldo Olivo, Research Scientist Marijn Heule, and Assistant Professor​ Işil Dillig won the Best Paper Award for their paper "Static Detection of DoS Vulnerabilities in Programs That Use Regular Expressions" at the International Conference on Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems (TACAS). Wustholz worked on this project while he was a postdoc in the department; he is now at ETH Zurich. Olivo received his Ph.D. from the department last year; he is now at Microsoft.

The extended version of "Static Detection of DoS Vulnerabilities in Programs That Use Regular Expressions" is available here: