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Linear Algebra - Foundations To Frontiers Kicks off Its Seventh Run

Posted by Staci R Norman on Monday, January 22, 2018

On January 23, 2018, UTCS faculty (and spouses) Robert van de Geijn and Maggie Myers will kick off the seventh run of their 16 week MOOCs (Massively Open Online Course) on linear algebra from a computer science perspective called Linear Algebra - Foundations to Frontiers (LAFF). The course is self-paced with a suggested calendar but everything is due by the close of the course on May 31. Robert and Maggie have enhanced the course by working with MathWorks to enable participants to use Matlab freely throughout the course.

The Linear Algebra - Foundations to Frontiers which offers a verified certificate of completion for a small fee or is free audits, was launched by edX, UT’s non-profit partner which manages MOOCs in January of 2015.

By linking the theory of linear algebra to issues that arise when implementing high-performance software libraries, the course content connects the mathematics to issues encountered in computer architecture, software engineering, and program correctness. The course builds on ongoing research by the instructors on how to develop and implement high-performance linear algebra libraries, funded by the National Science Foundation, so that the participant is simultaneously exposed to introductory material and the cutting edge of the field.

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