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Texas CSB Alum Reflects on the Value of His Interdisciplinary Education

Kevin Qi's photo against a graphic background with "The Value of an Interdisciplinary Education"

02/26/2025 - As a member of the founding cohort of the Texas Honors Computer Science and Business (Texas CSB) program and its first student association president, 2021 alumnus Kevin Qi played a key role in shaping the program. After graduation, he joined Salesforce’s Associate Product Manager program, where he is nearing completion of the program. Qi spoke with UT Computer Science about the lessons he carried from college, his career path, and his advice for the next generation of students.

UTCS Alum Dr. Ajita John shares her lifelong passion for computer science

UT Computer Science alum Ajita John against a gray backdrop

12/03/2021 - From a young age, Dr. John gravitated towards math and logical problem-solving. Although most of her family were in the humanities, they nurtured her unique interests in her early years. The definite logic and reasoning of mathematical concepts struck a chord with her that encouraged her curiosity in the field. As she pursued this curiosity as an undergrad at the Indian Institute of Science, it became clear to her that she had found her purpose. Dr. John had always planned on moving to the US for her Ph.D. and when she visited Austin she immediately knew that this was the place for her.

TXCS Alumnus Greg Kuhlmann Aims to Help Others Succeed by Making Anti-Fraud Systems More Accessible

TXCS alumnus Greg Kuhlman

12/01/2020 - Alumnus Greg Kuhlmann was introduced to computers and programming by his family at a young age. During Kuhlmann’s childhood, his grandfather taught him how to program on his VIC-20 when he was just six years old and his father would take him to Amiga Users Group meetings. The ability offered by programming to change bits of code and see a new outcome right before his eyes was what really drew Kuhlmann in. Unbeknownst to him, he would go on to earn a graduate degree in computer science and start his own cybersecurity startup.

TXCS Alumna Barbara Jones Creates Tech Company Prioritizing a Diverse Work Environment

TXCS alumna Barbara Jones

09/14/2020 - Barbara Jones is no stranger to perseverance: the Texas Computer Science (TXCS) alumna, who graduated from the university in 1998, earned her degree at a time where “there were probably four Black people in the whole computer science department.” With over 20 years of experience in the technology industry, Jones has witnessed massive shifts in how the world grapples with diversity, new technologies, and how businesses operate.

DJ-MC: A Personalized DJ

01/09/2020 - There are few pet peeves worse than being unable to find the right song. It’s this endless cycle of shuffling through a music library that inspired UT alumni and faculty to create DJ Monte-Carlo (DJ-MC)—a program tailored to preemptively pick music that suits your mood.