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automated driving

Transforming Human-Robot Interaction Through Mood Inducing Music

Young person lounging back with a boombox under their right foot listening to music.

05/06/2024 - Music has always had the power to stir our emotions, from the exhilaration of a fast-paced rock anthem to the melancholy of a soulful ballad. But, could the music we listen to also affect how we make decisions, especially in our interactions with robots? This intriguing question lies at the heart of a study conducted by UT Austin Assistant Professor Elad Liebman and Professor Peter Stone.

Bridging the Gap Between Industry and Academia

Illustration of automated car driving down three lane road, sensing cars around it.

01/14/2021 - UT Austin collaborates with Bosch to drive automated research Texas Computer Science has recently launched a collaborative research partnership sponsored by Bosch to explore new frontiers of research on reinforcement learning for automated driving. The partnership was envisioned by Professor Peter Stone of the UTCS faculty and Dr. Kay Stepper, the Senior VP who oversees Bosch’s automated driving efforts in North America.