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Computer Science

Sol LeWitt Sculpture to Grace Gates Computer Science Complex

Sol Lewitt Circle with Towers at UT Computer Science Gates Dell Complex

03/04/2011 - Artist Sol LeWitt’s concrete block structure Circle with Towers (2005) will grace the entrance to the new Bill & Melinda Gates Computer Science Complex, currently under construction on the east side of Speedway between 21st and 24th streets. The unveiling of the work will coincide with the opening of the computer science complex in September 2012.

Better Animation Through Body Part Recycling

The user is presented with a ribbon of choices for the torso, which are colored according to their distance from the target mesh.

12/21/2010 - For all the power that computers have brought to the process of animation, it remains the human eye that’s the best judge of whether animated things moving in space look real. “People intuitively know exactly what to draw to evoke realism,” says Don Fussell, professor of computer science. “Computers don’t have that luxury.”

UT professor says profiling not effective against terror

11/29/2010 - Racial profiling is a “fundamentally flawed” method of catching terrorists, and is no more effective than random sampling techniques, according to a recent study by a UT computer science professor. Read more at the Daily Texan.

Racial Profiling to Limit Terror Attacks Is Fundamentally Flawed

11/19/2010 - AUSTIN, Texas–Stop using racial profiling, says Professor William Press. He claims that as well as being politically and ethically questionable, racial profiling does no better in helping law enforcement officials in their task of catching terrorists than standard uniform random sampling techniques. This is the topic of a paper publishing in Significance, the magazine of the Royal Statistical Society and the American Statistical Association.