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One Way to Study the Schizophrenic Brain: Build One

05/16/2011 - Researchers at Yale and the University of Texas used a neural network -- a computer brain -- to test out medical theories of what causes schizophrenia. The result was a computer brain that can't tell the difference between stories about itself and fanciful stories about gangsters, and claims responsibility for terrorist acts.

Neural Network Systems

Neural Network Systems

05/04/2009 - Uli Grasemann and Risto Miikkulainen are using their neural network system, DISCERN, to model what might be going on inside a schizophrenic brain. DISCERN can understand and produce natural language. Working with Ralph Hoffman, a psychiatrist at Yale, they have also been able to pair their neural network results with a study of human schizophrenics, and the similarities have been striking.