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diversity camps

Empowering the Future: Celebrating 20 Years of UT Austin's Computer Science Academies

Collection of images of teens participating in UT Computer Science Summer Camps.

08/15/2023 - For the past two decades, The University of Texas at Austin's Computer Science Academies have been at the forefront of providing pre-collegiate computer science education. Starting with the inception of First Bytes, a summer camp aimed at high school women, the program has undergone a remarkable evolution, expanding opportunities to diverse students from across Texas and the United States substantially.

Texas Computer Science Launches HornRaiser Campaign to Promote Diversity

12/05/2018 - In 2016, Google reported that only six out of ten schools (K-12) offered at least one computer science class. While there continues to be an upward trend in the number of schools offering these classes, many students still lack exposure to programming. Texas Computer Science is changing that.