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Donald Fussell

Don Fussell

Department Chair, Professor, Trammell Crow Regents Professorship in Computer Science

Don Fussell's Leadership Recognized with CNS Rom Rhome Award

UT Computer Science Professor and Department Chair Don Fussell

09/15/2023 - Don Fussell, Department Chair and Professor of Computer Science, has received the prestigious CNS Rom Rhome Leadership Award from the College of Natural Sciences at UT Austin. This award celebrates his outstanding contributions to the field and exemplary service as an academic leader.

UTCS Professors and Alum Win Best Paper Award

06/15/2012 - Don Fussell, Calvin Lin, 2010 UTCS Ph.D. graduate Paul Navratil, and Hank Childs of University of California, Davis won the Best Paper Award at the 12th Eurographics Symposium on Parallel Graphics and Visualization.