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HackTX brings students together for a 24-hour hackathon

10/02/2015 - More than 600 students from 10 universities competed to create viable working software in a 24 hour hackathon over the weekend. HackTX began Saturday at 1 p.m. and concluded Sunday at 11 a.m., after which the teams were judged on innovation, usefulness and creativity. The top 10 teams then presented their work to a panel of technology CEOs and fellow students.

CS Entrepreneurs Pioneer the Most Diverse Hackathon in Texas

Hack TX: The Biggest Hackathon in Texas

01/17/2014 - HackTX was put in motion in 2012 by a combination effort of Vivek Karuturi, a CS undergraduate student who co-founded Hacker Lounge, Michael Akilian, a now-graduated EE major, and members++ of the interdisciplinary Technology Entrepreneurship Society.