J Strother Moore
Researchers Tackle The Dark Side Of Moore's Law
04/15/2015 - This month marks the 50th Anniversary of Moore's Law, an observation that every couple of years, computer chip manufacturers manage to squeeze twice as many transistors onto a computer chip. Because transistors are the tiny on-off switches that perform calculations and temporarily store information, Moore’s Law also embodies the exponential increase in raw computing power that has unleashed a blizzard of tech innovations.
2007 Major Department Awards and Recognition
08/29/2007 - UTCS is pleased to note a number of recent, significant awards and honors. The department is deeply honored by the peer and public recognition of our work.
J Strother Moore and Simon Lam Elected to the National Academy of Engineering (NAE)
02/03/2007 - UTCS faculty, Dr. J Moore and Dr. Simon Lam, have been elected to the National Academy of Engineering (NAE). The NAE mission is to promote the technological welfare of the nation by marshaling the knowledge and insights of eminent members of the engineering profession.
2006 Visions of Computing Lecture Series
11/09/2006 - The Visions of Computing Lecture Series has been created by the Department of Computer Sciences to highlight the excellence of its faculty and recognize their accomplishments. Its purpose is to provide public education about computer science, and to enhance the public appreciation of the stature of this department and its faculty.
J Strother Moore Selected an ACM Fellow
11/08/2006 - UTCS Chairman J Strother Moore was selected a Fellow of ACM, the Association for Computing Machinery.
Boyer, Kaufmann and Moore awarded the 2005 ACM Software System Award for the Boyer-Moore Theorem Prover
03/21/2006 - Professors Robert Boyer and J Strother Moore and Senior Research Scientist Matt Kaufmann, all from the University of Texas at Austin Computer Sciences Department, have been awarded the 2005 Software System Award by the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) for their work on the Boyer-Moore Theorem Prover.
Visions of Computer Sciences Research Lectures
01/25/2002 - The Department of Computer Sciences is proud to announce the annual Visions of Computer Sciences Research Lectures. The first lecture will be held Friday, January 25, 2002. Formal Methods is the topic this year.