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Jay Misra

Jayadev Misra Elected to the National Academy of Engineering

Jayadev Misra teaching class in front of white board and gesturing with his hand.

02/08/2018 - Jayadev Misra, Schlumberger Centennial Chair Emeritus in Computer Science and University Distinguished Teaching Professor Emeritus, has been elected to join the National Academy of Engineering for his research in software verification of concurrent systems.

Jay Misra Wins 2014 IIT Kanpur Distinguished Alumnus Award

04/04/2014 - UTCS Professor Jay Misra has been awarded the 2014 IIT Kanpur Distinguished Alumnus Award. Misra currently teaches Analysis of Algorithms, Theory in Programming Practice, and Distributed Computing. In addition, his current research focuses on the design of a concurrent programming language, Orc.