Joydeep Biswas
NSF Funded Expedition Project Uses AI to Rethink Computer Operating Systems

05/23/2024 - Aditya Akella leads the project that aims to boost performance of OSes and help enable assistant robots, autonomous vehicles and smart cities.
Can Robots and Humans Co-Exist in Public? UT Campus Study Will Offer Answers

10/20/2022 - Autonomous robots will soon rove the buildings and streets of The University of Texas at Austin campus. But unlike other commercial delivery services, this fleet of robots will help researchers understand and improve the experience of pedestrians who encounter them.
Professors Qixing Huang and Joydeep Biswas Awarded NSF Career Award

04/15/2021 - The National Science Foundation’s CAREER award is a prestigious award presented by the National Science Foundation (NSF) to early-career faculty who have showcased potential as academic role models and have shown excellence in their role as teacher-scholars. The award is given once every year and recipients receive a federal grant for research and education activities.
Mobile Robotics Lab Reaches Milestone in Campus-Scale Autonomous Navigation

10/06/2020 - A group of Texas Computer Science (TXCS) researchers from the Autonomous Mobile Robotics Laboratory (AMRL) comprising Joydeep Biswas, Sadegh Rabiee, Jarrett Holtz, Kavan Sikand, Max Svetlik, and John Bachman (UMass Amherst) have reached an incredible milestone in their research: deploying an autonomous robot that autonomously navigates on the campus-scale, resilient to everyday changes and varying conditions.