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Putting the Auto in Automobile

Putting the Auto in Automobile

07/05/2012 - Peter Stone talks about autonomous vehicles and intersections with Michael Breen of American Mathematical Society on this podcast episode of Mathematical Moments.

5 Ways Self-Driving Cars Will Make You Love Commuting

05/17/2012 - Ordinary Americans can't buy intelligent, self-driving cars just yet, but the technology could someday revolutionize one of the nation's most common road rituals—the morning and evening commutes that bookend the workday for millions of people.

Driving on Autopilot

02/28/2012 - Imagine driving down a street at rush hour. It’s a typical commute, but this time, you’re reading a newspaper in the backseat. The driver’s seat is empty—your car is driving itself. Sounds like a fantasy, right?

Avoiding Red Lights by Booking Ahead

02/21/2012 - Discovery News asks, "Computers can reserve your plane ticket, your hotel room and your restaurant table. Why not your place at an intersection?"

Self-Driving SUV Advances to DARPA Urban Challenge Semifinals

08/09/2007 - Marvin, a self-driving Isuzu SUV programmed by University of Texas at Austin computer scientists and members of Austin Robot Technology (ART), passed a recent driving test and will advance to the semifinals of the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency's (DARPA) 2007 Urban Challenge race.