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McCombs School of Business

On AI for the Rest of Us: AI at Work

A hand holds a block with an image of a robotic head and the hand is preparing to drop the block into a gap in a line of blocks, each with an icon representing a work task ssuch as driving, using a hammer, sorting files or stapling

12/03/2024 - Artificial intelligence integration into the workforce brings many questions. From impacts on workers and consumers alike, what would increasing AI in the workplace look like? Maytal Saar-Tsechansky, a professor in the McCombs School of Business with experience developing AI algorithms for improved decision-making and achieving business and personal goals, and Samantha Shorey, an assistant communications professor, join Marc Airhart and Casey Boyle to dig deeper into the increasing use of AI in the workplace.

DJ-MC: A Personalized DJ

01/09/2020 - There are few pet peeves worse than being unable to find the right song. It’s this endless cycle of shuffling through a music library that inspired UT alumni and faculty to create DJ Monte-Carlo (DJ-MC)—a program tailored to preemptively pick music that suits your mood.