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Michael Dahlin

Michael Dahlin's Paper is Among the Best in History of HPDC Conference

03/12/2012 - "WebOS: Operating System Services for Wide Area Applications," a paper co-authored by Michael Dahlin has been selected as one of the top 20 papers in 20 years of publications from the HPDC, the International ACM Symposium on High-Performance Parallel and Distributed Computing. Co-authors of the paper, are Amin Vahdat, Tom Anderson, Eshwar Belani, David Culler, Paul Eastham, and Chad Yoshikawa.

Recent Faculty Awards & Honors

09/09/2011 - Faculty at the The University of Texas at Austin Department of Computer Science (UTCS) are at the forefront of the digital revolution. UTCS recently celebrated a long list of faculty awards.

Computer Science Faculty Named 2010 ACM Fellows

12/08/2010 - Computer scientists Lorenzo Alvisi, Michael Dahlin and Raymond Mooney have been named 2010 Fellows of the Association for Computing Machinery for their contributions to computer science that have provided fundamental knowledge to the field and generated innovations in industry, commerce, entertainment and education.

CS Faculty Awarded Sloans

08/01/2000 - Lorenzo Alvisi, Nina Amenta, Michael Dahlin, and Ana Gál were each awarded an Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellowship.