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Nell Dale

UTCS Alum Romelia Flores: Prolific Inventor, System Designer, Diversity Initiatives Leader

Black and white photo of Romelia Flores.

07/01/2021 - Alum Romelia Flores was born and raised in Eagle Pass, Texas along the Mexican border. When she first arrived at UT, Romelia tried out a few different majors before landing on computer science. She came in as a biology major, then declared a math major due to her love of mathematics. She thoroughly enjoyed mathematics courses, particularly calculus because the formulas and equations were natural for her to understand and logically obtain correct results.

Retired UTCS Professor, Dr. Nell Dale, Wins Honors

Retired UTCS Professor, Dr. Nell Dale, Wins Honors

12/04/2009 - Retired UTCS Professor, Dr. Nell Dale, Wins Honors. Dr. Nell Dale is an internationally recognized leader in computer science education research, an award recipient, author of many programming textbooks and mentor to thousands of students. A retired Senior Lecturer from the Department of Computer Science at The University of Texas at Austin (UT), Dr. Dale earned her undergraduate degree in Mathematics from the University of Houston, and her M.A. in Mathematics and Ph.D. in Computer Science from UT. In addition, she earned the Karl V. Karlstrom Outstanding Educator Award in 2001.

Nell Dale Receives Karlstrom Award

04/13/2002 - Dr. Nell B. Dale, Senior Lecturer and member of the UT Department of Computer Sciences since 1975, received the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)'s prestigious Karl V. Karlstrom Outstanding Educator Award for "changing the study of computer programming to focus on problem solving and software engineering principles, and away from language syntax."