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Dean’s Scholar Melds Leadership Position with Two Majors

03/20/2013 - Rathi Kannan, a Dean’s Scholars biology and computer science senior, isn’t afraid of a challenge. Actually she welcomes them. After wanting more out of her education, she added computer science as a second major. She has studied abroad in Spain and performed research here in the College of Natural Sciences. She is also serving on the Dean’s Scholars council as the elected Dean’s Scholars Chair. I chatted with Kannan to learn about her research, her leadership experiences and how her two degrees meld.

Intern Stories: A Summer at Amazon

07/23/2012 - By Katie Thompson, the Career Design Center Elynn Lee is a Software Development Engineering (SDE) intern at Amazon on the Kindle Reader Framework team. This is her second internship, her first one being at Facebook in Palo Alto, California. She is simultaneously doing research on a SRC-URO fellowship in Computational Epidemiology.

Intern Stories: Facebooking on the Job

07/19/2012 - By Katie Thompson, the Career Design Center Parth Upadhyay is a Software Development Engineering (SDE) intern at Facebook on the Real Time Infrastructure team. This is his second internship. His first internship was at Bloomberg in New York City, New York.