Scott Niekum
Bridging the Gap Between Industry and Academia
01/14/2021 - UT Austin collaborates with Bosch to drive automated research Texas Computer Science has recently launched a collaborative research partnership sponsored by Bosch to explore new frontiers of research on reinforcement learning for automated driving. The partnership was envisioned by Professor Peter Stone of the UTCS faculty and Dr. Kay Stepper, the Senior VP who oversees Bosch’s automated driving efforts in North America.
Dr. Scott Niekum Receives Young Investigator Award
10/15/2019 - Dr. Scott Niekum, Texas Computer Science professor and director of the Personal Autonomous Robotics Lab (PeARL), has received a Young Investigator Award from the Air Force Office of Scientific Research.
Fifty Years after Sci-Fi’s “2001,” Rethinking Our Relationship with AI
04/03/2018 - UT College of Natural Sciences News | Esther R Robards-Forbes
Four UTCS Professors Win NSF CAREER Award
03/30/2018 - Four UTCS professors—Vijay Chidambaram, Scott Niekum, Simon Peter, and Eric Price —have won the National Science Foundation (NSF) Faculty Early Career Development award for 2018.
New Faculty Profile: Scott Niekum
04/05/2017 - UTCS Assistant Professor Scott Niekum has known he wanted to study artificial intelligence since he was 19 years old. As an undergraduate at Carnegie Mellon University, he rode the bus an hour each way to get to his internship. To pass the time, he read Douglas Hofstadter’s Gödel, Escher, Bach, a book that explores, among other topics, artificial intelligence and the emergence of consciousness.
New Faculty 2015-16
09/22/2015 - The future of any computer science program is entirely dependent on the ongoing strength of its faculty. At UT Computer Science, we are proud to say that our future is bright indeed as we welcome four new faculty into our robotics and systems groups. These talented individuals join four other recent faculty additions, ensuring that UT Computer Science will continue to be a leader in the field for years to come.