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Stephen Keckler

Stephen Keckler Awarded ACM Fellow

12/12/2011 - Professor Stephen Keckler, professor at The University of Texas at Austin Department of Computer Science, was awarded Fellow status with a citation "for contributions to computer architectures and technology modeling."

Unveiling the UT-Austin TRIPS Processor: An Architecture for Scaling to the End of Silicon

04/04/2007 - TRIPS (The Tera-op, Reliable, Intelligently adaptive Processing System) is a revolutionary new polymorphous microprocessor architecture designed and built by the Department of Computer Sciences at The University of Texas at Austin. For the past seven years the research team, led by Professors Doug Burger, Stephen Keckler and Kathryn McKinley, has been working on the design of the processor, an updated cross-platform compiler and the instruction set architecture needed to run it.

Fall 2004 Visions Lecture a success

11/08/2004 - On November 8, 2004 Department of Computer Sciences (UTCS) faculty, graduate students, FoCS members and other guests attended the Fall 2004 Visions of Computer Sciences Lectures.

Burger and Keckler Awarded Sloans

03/01/2002 - Congratulations to Doug Burger and Steve Keckler! Both were recently awarded an Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellowship. The grant will support their work in building a Tera-op microprocessor. Visit the TRIPS web page at for more information.