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Teaching Excellence Award

UTCS Professor Sarah Abraham Earns CNS Teaching Excellence Award

12/07/2021 - The College of Natural Science Teaching Excellence award was created with the intention to promote quality teaching in CNS by recognizing faculty members that have had a positive influence on the education of their students. Every year each CNS department has the opportunity to nominate a faculty member for the award. This year, The University of Texas Computer Science department is proud to announce that our own Sarah Abraham was awarded The Teaching Excellence Award 2021.

Alison Norman Earns Teaching Excellence Award

Lecturer Alison Norman

08/08/2017 - Alison Norman has been selected to receive a 2017 College of Natural Sciences Teaching Excellence Award. The Teaching Excellence Award is intended to provide recognition of the college’s many exceptional faculty who are committed to teaching at either the undergraduate or graduate level.

Peter Stone Earns Teaching Excellence Award

Professor Peter Stone

03/27/2015 - Professor Peter Stone has earned a 2015 College of Natural Sciences Teaching Excellence Award winner. The Teaching Excellence Award celebrates the members of CNS faculty that excel in the classroom. The Awards were established by Dean Mary Ann Rankin to increase recognition of the college's many exceptional faculty who are committed to teaching at either the undergraduate or graduate level.

2012 College Excellence Award Winners

04/05/2012 - Assistant Professor Mike Walfish and Software Engineer Toren Smith have both been awarded 2012 College of Natural Sciences (CNS) Excellence Awards.