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Women in Computer Science

Empowering the Future: Celebrating 20 Years of UT Austin's Computer Science Academies

Collection of images of teens participating in UT Computer Science Summer Camps.

08/15/2023 - For the past two decades, The University of Texas at Austin's Computer Science Academies have been at the forefront of providing pre-collegiate computer science education. Starting with the inception of First Bytes, a summer camp aimed at high school women, the program has undergone a remarkable evolution, expanding opportunities to diverse students from across Texas and the United States substantially.

Graduating Computer Science Student Leaders Look Back on Diversity and Inclusion Initiatives

Computer science seniors Audra Collins and América Quistiano

05/21/2021 - Computer science seniors América Quistiano and Audra Collins said they would not be here, on the cusp of graduating from one of the best computer science programs in the country, without the Hispanic Association of Computer Scientists and the Association of Black Computer Scientists. "I 100% believe I would have dropped out," Quistiano said. "I wouldn't have switched majors, not even switched schools — I would have dropped out if it weren't for HACS and ABCS."

Women in Computer Science Hosts "Magical" All-Women Hackathon

Women in Computer Science student organization members

02/22/2018 - On Saturday, Women in Computer Science hosted WiCS Hacks, an all-women 12-hour hackathon sponsored by HomeAway, IBM and Bloomberg. This year, the theme of the hackathon was magic and featured categories such as educational technology, community impact, IBM Watson and “magical hacks.” Eighty people attended the event, and the projects were judged by faculty members.

Supporting Women in Computer Science

10/20/2015 - In the past few years, Texas Computer Science students have likely seen an increase in the efforts to support women in computer science. Likewise, the department’s efforts to reach out to the larger community have also grown. There are a number of ways that this has happened, and these efforts have generally been quite successful.

First Bytes Brings Women to Tech

03/24/2014 - It’s no secret that women in tech are far more rare than they should be. At UT Computer Science, however, First Bytes is working to change this by reaching out to girls at a time when their career paths are still somewhat undecided. Established eleven years ago, First Bytes is a one-week camp for high school girls designed to ignite enthusiasm for computer science and dispel myths about the field that keep women from participating.

UTCS Wins the “2005 Everybody WINS Award”

10/06/2005 - Women in Natural Sciences presented the 2005 Everybody WINS Award to the Department of Computer Sciences, in recognition and appreciation of the department’s commitment to best practices in the recruitment and/or retention of women and underrepresented minorities.