David Zuckerman
Research Areas:
Research Interests:
- Randomness extraction
- Pseudorandomness
- Coding theory
- Cryptography, and other aspects of complexity theory
Current Research:
His research focuses primarily on pseudorandomness and the role of randomness in computing. He is best known for his work on randomness extractors and their applications. His other research interests include coding theory, distributed computing, cryptography, inapproximability, and other areas of complexity theory.
Select Publications
2015. "Explicit Two-Source Extractors and Resilient Functions".
.2014. "Non-malleable codes against constant split-state tampering".
.2011. "Privacy amplification and non-malleable extractors via character sums".
.2010. "Pseudorandom generators for polynomial threshold functions" .
.2012. "Pseudorandomness from Shrinkage".
.Awards & Honors
- 2013 - ACM Fellow
- 2004-05 - John S. Guggenheim Memorial Foundation Fellowship
- 1996-2006 - David and Lucile Packard Fellowship for Science and Engineering
- 1996-2000 - Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellowship
- 1994-2000 - NSF Young Investigator Award
- 1990 - Machtey Award (Best Student Paper Award), FOCS
- 1985 - William Lowell Putnam Mathematical Competition
Contact Info
David Zuckerman
Professor, Professorship In Computer Sciences #1
(512) 471-9729
GDC 4.508