Don Batory
Professor Emeritus

Batory creates integrative theories to develop tools, languages, and methodologies for software product lines, model-driven engineering, domain-specific languages, and program refactorings, with an emphasis on principles that both unify these areas and that form a practical engineering basis for automated software development. He is a leading proponent of feature-based development of software, where features are increments in software functionality. Features provide a natural modularization for automated software development as customized programs (or systems) can be specified declaratively, allowing novices to "program" like experts simply by choosing the features that they need.
Research Areas:
Research Interests:
- Software Product Lines
- Model Driven Engineering
- Java and MDE Refactorings
- Correct by Construction Derivation of Stream Programs
Research Labs & Affiliations:
Automated Software Design Research Group
Select Publications
May 27 - June 3, 2018. Towards Refactoring-Aware Regression Test Selection. ICSE. Gothenburg, Sweden.
.October 1, 2017. From software extensions to product lines of dataflow programs. Springer Berlin Heidelberg. Heidelberg, Germany. 929 - 947.
.September 25, 2017. Refactoring Java Software Product Lines. ACM. New York, NY. 59 - 68.
.September 25, 2017. X15: A Tool For Refactoring Java Software Product Lines. ACM. New York, NY. 28 - 31.
.August 21, 2017. Finding near-optimal configurations in product lines by random sampling. ACM. New York, NY. 61 - 71.
.Awards & Honors
- 2017 - SPLC Test of Time Award
- 2013 - Most Influential Paper Award
- 2006 - Best Paper, MODELS
- 2013 - Best Paper, ICSE
- 2002 - Best Paper, ASE Conference
- 2000 - Best Paper, International Conference on Software Reuse
Contact Info
Don Batory
Professor Emeritus, David Bruton, Jr. Centennial Professorship In Computer Sciences #1