Elad Liebman
Assistant Professor of Instruction

- Multiagent systems
- Recommender Systems
- Computational Creativity
Select Publications
C.Wang∗ , I. Durugkar∗ , E. Liebman∗ and P. Stone, Distributed Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning via Distribution Matching, 37th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-23), Feb 2023 ( ∗ equal contribution)
I. Durugkar∗ , E. Liebman∗ and P. Stone, Balancing Individualized Preferences with Shared Objectives in Multiagent Cooperation, 29th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence and the 17th Pacific Rim International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-PRICAI 2020), July 2020 ( ∗ equal contribution)
E. Liebman, M. Saar-Tsechansky and P. Stone, The Right Music at the Right Time: Adaptive Personalized Playlists Based on Sequence Modeling, Management Information Systems (MIS) Quarterly, September 2019
E. Liebman, C. N. White and P. Stone, On the Impact of Music on Decision Making in Cooperative Tasks, 19th International Society for Music Information retrieval Conference (ISMIR 2018), September 2018
Awards & Honors
- Summer 2017 - University of Texas Graduate School Summer Fellowship
- September 2012 - Dean’s Excellence Award given by the College of Natural Sciences, University of Texas at Austin
- June 2012 - Blavatnik School of Computer Science Excellence Prize
- 2007 - Ruth and Allen Ziegler excellence scholarship
- 2007 and 2008 - Granted excellence scholarships by the Buchmann-Mehta School of Music
- 2004 - “Makor Haim” award