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Greg Durrett

Associate Professor

Greg Durrett is an Assistant Professor in Computer Science. His current research covers a range of topics in statistical natural language processing, including coreference resolution, entity linking, document summarization, and question answering. Solving these problems lets computers access the information in unstructured text and transform this information in structured ways. Greg received his Ph.D. from UC Berkeley in 2016, where he was a part of the Berkeley NLP Group. He completed his B.S. at MIT in Computer Science and Mathematics in 2010.


Select Publications

Jifan Chen and Greg Durrett. 2019. Understanding dataset design choices for multi-hop reasoning. NAACL.

Yasumasa Onoe and Greg Durrett. 2019. Learning to Denoise Distantly-Labeled Data for Entity Typing. NAACL.

Jiacheng Xu and Greg Durrett. 2018. Spherical Latent Spaces for Stable Variational Autoencoders. EMNLP.

Su Wang, Eric Holgate, Greg Durrett, and Katrin Erk. 2018. Picking Apart Story Salads . EMNLP.

Greg Durrett and Dan Klein. 2014. A Joint Model for Entity Analysis: Coreference, Typing, and Linking. TACL.

Awards & Honors

  • 2018 - NSF Small: Applying discrete reasoning steps in solving natural language processing tasks
  • 2018 - NSF Medium: Computer-Aided Programming for Data Science
  • 2017 - Bloomberg Data Science Research Grant
  • 2014 - Facebook Fellowship in Natural Language Processing
  • 2014 - Chair’s Special Award for Service
  • 2013 - Best Paper Finalist, EMNLP
  • 2012 - Outstanding Graduate Student Instructor Award
  • 2010 - National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship