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Işıl Dillig


Isil Dillig is currently an Associate Professor at UTCS. Her main research areas are Programming Languages and Formal Methods (specifically, program verification and synthesis), but her research also touches on Security, Databases, and Artificial Intelligence. Prof. Dillig obtained all her degrees (BS, MS, PhD) from Stanford University, and she is also a Sloan Fellow as as well as an NSF CAREER award recipient. Her research has been recognized by numerous awards, including best paper awards as PLDI, OOPSLA, and ETAPS, and a CACM research highlight. Prof. Dillig has served as co-chair of CAV, the premier conference in Formal Methods, and she has served on Program Committees of most major Programming Languages and Formal Methods conferences.


Research Areas:
Research Interests:
  • Program Analysis and Verification
  • Program Synthesis
  • Automated Logical Reasoning
Current Research:

Prof. Dillig's main research interests are program analysis/verification, program synthesis, and automated logical reasoning. She is interested in developing tools and novel techniques to make software systems more secure and reliable. In particular, her research focuses on automatically proving the absence of certain classes of errors and security vulnerabilities in software. She is also interested in techniques for automatically synthesizing programs from formal or informal specifications.

Select Publications

Yu Feng, Ruben Martins, Osbert Bastani, Isil Dillig. 2018. Program Synthesis using Conflict-Driven Learning. PLDI.

Yu Feng, Xinyu Wang, Isil Dillig, Calvin Lin. 2015. EXPLORER : Query- and Demand-Driven Exploration of Interprocedural Control Flow Properties. OOPSLA.

John Feser, Swarat Chaudhuri, Isil Dillig. 2015. Synthesizing Data Structure Transformations from Input-Output Examples. PLDI.

Oswaldo Olivo, Isil Dillig, Calvin Lin. 2015. Static Detection of Asymptotic Performance Bugs in Collection Traversals. PLDI.

Yu Feng, Saswat Anand, Isil Dillig, Alex Aiken. 2014. Apposcopy: Semantics-Based Detection of Android Malware Through Static Analysis. FSE.

Awards & Honors

  • 2018 - PLDI Distinguished Paper Award
  • 2017 - OOPSLA Distinguished Paper Award
  • 2017 - ETAPS Best Paper Award
  • 2015 - Sloan Fellow
  • 2015 - NSF CAREER Award
  • 2012 - Distinguished Reviewer Award, OOPSLA
  • 2010 - Stanford Graduate Fellowship
  • 2007 - Forbes School of Engineering Fellowship
  • 2006 - Wegbreit Award
  • 2006 - Firestone Meda