Keshav Pingali

- Compilers
- Multicore and high-performance computing
- Parallel computing
- Fault-tolerance
Dr. Pingali's current research is in compiler technology for program understanding, optimization, and parallelization.
Select Publications
2016. Proactive control of approximate programs. Symposium on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems (ASPLOS).
.2015. Elixir: A system for synthesizing parallel graph programs. ACM Symposium on Programming Language Design and Implementation.
.2011. The TAO of parallelism in programs. ACM Symposium on Programming Language Design and Implementation (PLDI).
.2009. How much parallelism is there in irregular applications?. ACM Symposium on Principles and Practice of Parallel Programming (PPoPP).
.2007. Optimistic parallelism requires abstractions. ACM Symposium on Programming Language Design and Implementation (PLDI).
.Awards & Honors
- 2013 - IIT Kanpur Distinguished Alumnus Award
- 2012 - Fellow of the ACM
- 2010 - Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science
- 2010 - Fellow of the IEEE
- 2000 - N. Rama Rao Professor, Indian Institute of Technology
- 1998 - Russell Teaching Award, Cornell University
- 1997 - Ip-Lee Teaching Award, Cornell University
- 1989 - NSF Presidential Young Investigator Award
- 1986 - IBM Faculty Development Award
- 1978 - President’s Gold Medal, Indian Institute of Technology