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Robert Boyer

Professor Emeritus

Select Publications

Wilfred J. Legato and Victor W. Marek. December 2005. Toward Automating the Discovery of Decreasing Measures. Journal of Automated Reasoning.355-371.

J Strother Moore. 2002. Single-Threaded Objects in ACL2. Springer-Verlag.9-27.

J Strother Moore.Mechanized Formal Reasoning about Programs and Computing Machines.

J S. Moore. 1998. A Computational Logic Handbook. Academic Press. London.

J Strother Moore. 1997. Mechanized Formal Reasoning about Programs and Computing Machines. MIT Press.MIT Press.

Awards & Honors

  • 2005 - The Software System Award
  • 1999 - 6th Herbrand Award
  • 1996 - Best of Austin Award
  • 1994-1997 - Member of the Editorial Board of the Journal of Artificial Intelligence
  • 1991-2008 - Fellow of the American Association for Artificial Intelligence
  • 1991-1993 - Member of the Editorial Board of the Journal of Logic and Computation, Oxford
  • 1991 - Current Prize in Automatic Theorem Proving of the American Mathematical Society
  • 1990-2007 - Member of the Editorial Board of the Journal of Automated Reasoning
  • 1989 - Member of the Editorial Board of the Journal of Automated Reasoning
  • 1984-1987 - Member of the Editorial Board of the Journal of Symbolic Computation

Contact Info

Robert Boyer
Professor Emeritus in Computer Science #4, Professor Emeritus in Computer Science #5