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Incoming Turing Students

Come Visit Us

If you are interested in checking out the Turing Scholars Honors Program in person, please schedule a Turing Scholars Honors visit through our CS Ambassador Program. You will not only get a tour of UTCS but also meet current Turing Scholars and see what it is like to attend an honors class lecture.

In February of every year, we host goto_Turing, an event where we invite admitted students to come visit and learn more about the program. We host live Q&A’s with current Turing Scholars and faculty on the Turing curriculum, community, and career opportunities. You can also get the feel of an honors course from a sample lecture with one of our honors course professors. We highly encourage admitted students come before making a decision on whether to attend the program.


Summer Preparation

During your first semester in the Turing Scholars Honors Program you will begin studying the two foundations of computing as a science:

  • Discrete Maths (CS 311H)
  • Data Structures (CS 314H)

We have accepted into the program a diverse group of students. You all show exceptional academic promise. But your backgrounds differ widely. The purpose of this page is to give each of you the opportunity to spend some time over the summer, before you come to UT, filling in holes in your prior experience and enriching your understanding of the depth of computer science as an intellectual discipline.

The suggestions we offer here are divided into three areas:

» Programming in Java

An introduction to object-oriented programming in Java. We describe a basic set of skills we hope everyone will have at the beginning of CS 314H. We suggest that you review that list and then follow the suggested study guide if your background seems weak.

» Logic and formal reasoning

An introduction to formal logic and proof techniques. Although no specific formal background is required for CS 311H, prior familiarity with the main concepts will be a help. We suggest a couple of books you might want to look at, but mostly we list websites that contain tools that will let you practice some of the fundamental skills. You'll also find links to some logic games that you can use to hone your reasoning skills.

» The Big Picture

Key intellectual ideas in the history of computer science and other things that are fun to think about. We list here books that influenced our thinking about computing. We want to share them with you. None of them is required, but if you can find the time to read a few of them over the summer, you'll come to the program with a deeper understanding of why you're doing what you're doing.