Graduation with Special Departmental Honors in Computer Science
Students who are not planning to graduate as Turing Scholars but who wish to complete an Honors Thesis and to be recognized for their academic achievements may apply for admission to the Special Honors Program. Students who complete the program graduate with Special Department Honors in Computer Science. Students who wish to become candidates for this honor should apply to the honors advisor for admission to the Special Honors Program at least two semesters before their expected graduation. A University grade point average of at least 3.00 and a grade point average of at least 3.50 in all courses in computer sciences and all other courses counted toward the computer science major and minor requirements are required for admission. The requirements for graduation with special honors are:
- Computer Science 379H, Computer Science Honors Course, with a grade of at least B. Completion of a CS 379H Contract is required to take this course;
- a University grade point average of at least 3.00 and a grade point average of at least 3.50 in courses in computer science and all other courses counted toward the computer science major and minor requirements;
- an honors thesis found on the CS Advising Forms page, written on the subject of the student's research and approved after a comprehensive examination by a committee consisting of at least three faculty members, including the honors advisor; and
- completion at the University of at least sixty semester hours of coursework in residence.
Visit the CS Advising Office for details on applying to this program.